SCH Active Support Unit help Zenith Explorers cope in an emergency

5th January 2015
Twenty three Zenith Explorer Scouts recently embarked upon the Emergency Aid Stage 4, Explorer Scouts Young Leaders Module K – First Aid Master Class and the Adult Training Module 10 – First Aid.

Over a three week period, First Aid trained members of the SCH…Active Support Unit taught the Explorer Scouts all about:

  • Principles of first aid
  • Initial response (arriving and managing an incident)
  • Initial response to a first aid situation
  • Management of an unconscious casualty (child or adult)
  • CPR, including technique for children
  • Shock
  • Causes and treatment of unconsciousness
  • Bleeding
  • Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, dehydration and hypothermia
  • Burns and scalds
  • Fractures and soft tissue injuries
  • Minor injuries
  • Meningitis
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Spinal injury

As they were taught the Explorers put their skills into practice and their ability was assessed by the trained First Aiders.

In week four, a further six members of the Active Support Unit acted as casualties. Using an array of makeup and role play the Explorers had to put their skills into use and deal with:

  • An open fracture with external bleeding and shock
  • Someone having a severe asthma attack and losing consciousness
  • CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
  • A burn
  • Someone impaled on a tent pole
  • A person suffering anaphylaxis shock (severe allergic reaction) who required an epi pen
  • A casualty choking
  • A person who had severed their finger whilst using a knife

The Explorers were asked to rank their confidence before and after the event using a scoring system where 0 was the lowest and 10 the highest ranking.


  • Explorers were asked to score how confidently they felt that they could use their skills effectively in a real emergency. The ranking was 5.
  • Explorers were asked to score how willing they were to use their skills in a real emergency. The ranking was 5.


  • Explorers were asked to score how confidently they felt that they could use their skills effectively in a real emergency. The ranking was 8; an increase of 3 points.
  • Explorers were asked to score how willing they were to use their skills in a real emergency. The ranking was 8; an increase of 3 points.

After the event the Explorers were asked for other comments. They told us:

  • Thank you very much, have learnt a lot. Hope to see you again soon.
  • It was really good. I have learnt a lot while we were doing the First Aid.
  • I enjoyed the CPR and the asthma was fun but difficult.
  • I know what I am doing but in a real accident I would be a little worried.
  • I feel more confident in helping someone who is choking.
  • I enjoyed learning how to treat a variety of different injuries.

For further information about what the SCH… Active Support Unit can do for your Group/Section/Unit please contact Lesley & Dave Ward on:

Article by David Ward